You Drink. They Recycle. 360 Donates.

The world’s first eco-friendly vodka has implemented another green initiative to recycle and preserve the environment.

Introducing the 360 Send it Back Program now available for local bars and restaurants in the Kansas City area. Recycling crates are provided to participating locations for empty 360 Vodka bottles followed by scheduled pickups once they have been filled.

For every full crate of 16 bottles returned, 360 Vodka will donate to Synergy Services in recognition of the business. Enjoy a 360 Vodka cocktail today while supporting local businesses and ultimately giving back to the community.

How it works:

Order your favorite cocktail made with 360 Vodka

Bars recycle their 360 Vodka bottles

Bottles are picked up to be cleaned and reused

For every crate returned, 360 Vodka donates

Participating Accounts